Forward Products Hygiene Supplies

FAX US ON 01527 558562 EMAIL SALES@FORWARDPRODUCTS.CO.UK 18 CLEANING AND HYGIENE FLOOR AND HARD SURFACE CLEANERS Windmill SD Light Neutral Low Foaming Cleaner For use in scrubber driers/mop buckets • Safe for daily cleaning polished floors • Fragrance free and safe to use in food • prep areas Dilutes 1:100 • pH 9.0 • F03-820 5 litre £7.68 Windmill SD Heavy Alkaline Low Foaming Cleaner Low foaming for use in scrubber driers • Fragrance free and safe to use in food • prep areas Very powerful - ideal for safety flooring • Dilutes 1:80 • pH 13.5 • F03-821 5 litre £8.64 Windmill Athlete Polished Floor Maintainer For cleaning/maintaining polished floors • Burnishes to a high gloss • Can be mopped and dry burnished • Excellent for spray cleaning • Dilutes 1:20 for spray cleaning • F03-380 5 litre £9.81 A B C A B C QUICK GUIDE | Hard Floor Care Polished Floors require skill and care to ensure they stay looking their best. Typically these will be older floors and can be found on old halls and corridors. Importantly all polished floors should be cleaned with a neutral chemical; anything that is either acidic or alkaline will degrade and sometimes completely remove the polish from the floor. Use Windmill Athlete polish maintainer and a rotary machine to maintain the shine. To strip a polish off a floor, use one of the 2 chemical strippers shown on the top of pages 21 and 22. Mop this solution on using a mop and bucket and allow contact time, then use a rotary machine fitted with a black pad to take the polish off the floor. Take care to strip the polish from the edges, as this is where you will get a build-up over time. Applying polish is done best with the polish applicator kit where it is possible to put on the polish thinner and more evenly. For older vinyl floors you may need to use Windmill Resilience first to stop the polish sinking into the floor, or for unsealed wooden floors you will need to use Windmill Wood Seal. A seal will need to be applied before the polish is applied. For the best results apply 2-3 coats of polish. Unpolished Floors which are typically safety flooring in modern buildings avoid the need for polished floor care treatments, but can be difficult to maintain. The best products for cleaning these floors are alkaline chemicals where it will lift the dirt from the surface easier. Use either Captain or Easy Dose Ultimate in your mop buckets, or for deep cleaning use Windmill Wrestler. Wrestler is an excellent powerful cleaner for deep cleaning - it will literally lift the dirt out of the safety flooring. Scrubber Driers require a low foaming cleaner to ensure that foam doesn’t damage the vacuum motor on the machine. For polished floors use Windmill SD Light which is a neutral, for unpolished floors you can go up to Windmill SD Heavy for heavy soiling - this works great on safety flooring. If you have any questions please contact us for more advice.